It’s Not You, It’s Me!

September 1, 2021by Fiona O'Donnell

I’m going to keep this really short. GDPR has turned my brain to mush. I just want to write interesting articles that you guys and gals find useful. However, GDPR is determined to make an IT consultant out of me (that’s my feeling on the matter anyway) and the law says I must comply.

So, here we are. I must ask you if you really want to be on my mailing list. If you would like to keep receiving updates and information, please respond with a simple word – YES.

I will keep you on my list and we can get on with our happy lives.

If you don’t respond, I’m afraid that our relationship ends here. If you want to be taken off this mailing list, just respond with STOP and I will whip your details and every trace of you off my site until you are ready to come on back and be friends again 🙂

Happy Friday everyone – Don’t forget to vote.

Fiona x

Fiona O'Donnell