
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation.
September 1, 2021

I’m going to keep this really short. GDPR has turned my brain to mush. I just want to write interesting articles that you guys and gals find useful. However, GDPR is determined to make an IT consultant out of me (that’s my feeling on the matter anyway) and the law says I must comply. So,...

September 1, 2021

This may sound like I’m looking for a lost fish or maybe even a dog, but sadly it isn’t so. Two days after run camp finished, my mojo stood up, walked out of the room and never came home. I moped for a few days, waiting to feel the draw of my new runners. My...

September 1, 2021

I remember wanting to learn how to run. I was afraid to start because I knew it was going to hurt and I might fail. I’m stubborn – so I started anyway and as I knew it would, it hurt. I was living in Sandymount, in Dublin at the time. Running up around the wildlife...

September 1, 2021

I’m not a huge fan of meat substitutes. This is for no other reason than the fact that they are trying to be something they are not.They always seem to disappoint. With this bolognese, the flavours are the same, but you expect the texture of lentils. You are not waiting for the texture of minced...

September 1, 2021

We have officially crossed the threshold from Summer to Autumn. I know this for sure now that the coffee shops are all selling pumpkin spiced everything. Pumpkin spice frappe, mocha, skinny latte, muffin, cabbage, burger roast beef a’cino! It’s not for me I’m afraid. I’m more of a deep and meaningful winter spice kind of...